Sunday, January 26, 2020

Personal Skills Require for Organizational Objectives

Personal Skills Require for Organizational Objectives Evaluate the personal and professional skills, as outlined in the brief, required to meet both organization and own goals and objectives. Introduction The success of any organization is depends critically on the abilities and performance of its employee not by an individual but also on the way the employee work with each other. In a fast changing business environment it is not just enough to hire talent staff but the organization need to develop them, provide the training to the employee, retrain them in order to keep pace with technology and rival with global market. So it is very important to evaluate the personal and professional skill to achieve both organizational and individual objectives. Definition â€Å"Personal and Professional development is the process through which the organization and individual engage in the process of learning to meet the challenges and desire goal. It is associate with the development needs of the individual as well as group† In this task we have identified and evaluated key personal and professional managerial/ leadership skills like time management, running meetings, making presentations and stress management, these can be accomplished through examine current skills and preparing and impel maintaining Personal Development Plans. This plan will be acquired by Analyzing current skills and preparing and implementing personal development plans. Professional skills concerned with counselling and coaching staff to support them to learn their own learning and development requirement. Professional skills required leadership; managerial skill etc and these all are come with the self-development and continue efforts by mentor who guide the staff by delivering effective presentation, some of the example are as follow Mentoring Mentoring is a effective elements of the training to learning and development and an increasing popular tool by supporting personal development. Mentoring is the long term passing on of support, guidance and advice. In the workplace it has been liable to describe a relationship in which a more experienced colleague uses their greater knowledge and understanding of the work or workplace to support the development of a more junior or inexperienced member of staff. Its also a form of apprenticeship, whereby an inexperienced learner learns the tricks of the trade from an experienced colleague, backed-up as in modern apprenticeship by offsite training. Mentoring is used specifically and separately as a form of long term tailored development for the individual which brings benefits to the organisation. The characteristics of mentoring are: Mentoring is a important form of development It concentrates on helping an individual to shape their career and develop skills. Personal problem can be discussed more effectively by help of mentoring the individual. Such activities of mentoring have both individual and organizational goals. Counselling In todays competitive business arena, a lot of pressure is being apply on many of the employee of an organization, and this create a stress and strain which affect their physical and mental health. Thus, there is a need for proper and accurate counselling skill for some employee. The objectives of counselling are to relieve work burden and make the work very easy to create healthy work environment. So, it is imperative for a manager have to be full equipped to handle such situations as employees need professional help as well as emotional and mental support. Kavita Singh (2007) Counselling Skills for Managers, Paperback What is Coaching? Coaching is the process of creating environmental and building the relationships that boost the development of skills and the performance the direct reports and the manager. Coaching is powerful sills that can be used to maintain and improve performance and to develop new skills and enthusiasm that will help your direct reports exceed current performance and enhance their job satisfaction. When a manager becomes an effective coach, he has the ability to build a group of confident, self-motivated achievers. Following are the benefits from effective coaching Benefits to the organization Helps the bottom line since more work Is done at a lower cost Attracts high-quality job seekers because people want to work for companies that develop their people Turnover is reduced because employees want to stay Benefits to the manager Get the work done the way it needs to be done Have employees that want to work for you Can get more work done when people are able to do it Your stress level is reduced Can get time to do other work. Multitasking In the organization, multitasking is mandatory skill at the workplace. A study suggests that daily workplace interruptions, such as phone calls or e-mail, consume more than two hours of the average professionals workday. Some time it is very important to work on different project because it can save time and increase a productivity of an individual, some time extreme multitasking can cause the opposite to occur. (/ Leadership Leadership is the ability to motivate an individual or a group of people toward a common goal. Leadership is the essential quality of a manager. It helps manager how to follow the plan, leadership skill is not a inborn skill it comes by the experience and it can be improved with the practice. Leadership Styles There are many approaches, and style of leadership that are based on different assumptions and theories. The style that individuals use will be based on a combination of their beliefs, values and preferences, as well as the organizational culture and norms which will encourage some styles and discourage others. Some Leadership Styles in Practice are following Organize meetings The important part of leadership style is to organize the meeting for better management and communication. Schedule meeting save time and increase motivation, it also increase productivity. Meeting planning is the best way to find out the problem solution, and avoid the conflicts as well. Effective Presentation skill: Presentation skill is the part of communication; better presentation and public speaking are essential aspect for work and life. Effective presentation skills are important in the organization, whether it is a human resource department of marketing department. Communication skill develops the confident and capability in the individual anyone can give a good presentation, or perform public speaking to a professional and impressive standard. Like most things, it simply takes a little preparation and practice. Time and Stress Management The role of Leader/Manager can be very stressful! Management studies have suggested that these roles include a very wide mix of activities, most of which cannot always be controlled or even predicted. Outcome-I-BETOLA-10573 Evaluate ways in which a successful manager can acquire these skills What Do Managers Do? Personal and professional skills are essential for an individual or a manger to achieve organizational goals. There are two types of function namely, operative and managerial function. The topic below discusses the managerial function to develop professional and personal skills the managerial function are as under. 1. Planning Planning is essential before doing something, because proper planning helps an organization to achieve its objectives. A manager should have planning skill to make work effective, the main task of planning are strategic and business planning, project planning, human resource planning and promotion planning. Well beginning half done, so to get target result, pre-planning can be helpful to manager. 2. Organizing resources After making effective planning the next duty of the manager is to organize resources. Organization are division of different department like., human resource department, finance, marketing, etc., so these all are the resources of the organization, and these resources should be well organized. Organization is the main managerial function, so it is the duty of a manager to organize resources effectively. 3. Leading Leading is the important function of management because it leads the company towards the goal. After making the certain business policy, it is important to lead them on right direction; it is the duty of manager to influence the people to follow the right direction either it is individual or group. Performance management play an important role to lead organization effectively towards the certain goal. 4. Controlling/Coordinating Controlling and coordinating is the process of running the organization structure effectively. This embrace ongoing collection of feedback or monitoring and adjusting of system, process and structure accordingly for example, uses of financial controls, policies and procedures, performance management, and risk management. Outcome-IIETOLA-10573 Personal Skills Audits This task describe about the personal skill audit, knowledge and aspects, and the importance of the effective personal skill audit. The task focuses on the interpersonal skill of the manager and how managers should address any shortfalls in personal styles, in addition to provides guideline about the analysis of personal performance in the job role. Key to the audit is the notion of continuous professional development, and the need to apply all phases of the learning cycle to personal development activities. It also provides a framework to reflect on personal and professional development, notably in terms of self awareness (strengths and weaknesses, emotional resilience, creativity, analytical problem solving, social skills, mental agility, balanced learning habits). Psychometric tests are structured tests, taken in exam-like conditions, which aim to measure objectively a persons ability, or certain aspects of their personality. Most psychometric tests which measure ability, and virtually all accredited psychometric tests which measure aspects of personality, are devised by occupational psychologists SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors. Your specialist marketing expertise. A new, innovative product or service. Location of your business. Quality processes and procedures. Any other aspect of your business that adds value to your product or service. Lack of marketing expertise. Undifferentiated products or services (i.e. in relation to your competitors). Location of your business. Poor quality goods or services. Damaged reputation. A developing market such as the Internet. Mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances. Moving into new market segments that offer improved profits. A new international market. A market vacated by an ineffective competitor. A new competitor in your home market. Price wars with competitors. A competitor has a new, innovative product or service. Competitors have superior access to channels of distribution. Taxation is introduced on your product or service. A word of caution, SWOT analysis can be very subjective. Do not rely on SWOT too much. Two people rarely come-up with the same final version of SWOT. TOWS analysis is extremely similar. It simply looks at the negative factors first in order to turn them into positive factors. So use SWOT as guide and not a prescription. Be realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of your organization when conducting SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis should distinguish between where your organization is today, and where it could be in the future. SWOT should always be specific. Avoid grey areas. Always apply SWOT in relation to your competition i.e. better than or worse than your competition. Keep your SWOT short and simple. Avoid complexity and over analysis SWOT is subjective. Outcome-IIIETOLA-10573 Task-I produce a detailed personal development plan How to produce personal development plan A Personal Development Plan is a document process that reflect the objectives of development for further planning, this help to set-up a development objectives for the future. This plan helps to build a border for achieving goal and create atmosphere where people take responsibility for their responsibility. Effective Personal Development Plan should be: Realistic Relevant Monitored Agreed Reviewed Effective personal development plan need outline agreed development need, identified the actions to meet the need. The plan also identified timescales for completion and indicates responsibility for implementation; furthermore it should be contained suggested review dates. Objectives There are certain objectives to build an effective personal development plan among them the SMART objectives is very effective, which summaries as under. Specific clearly stating what is to be achieved Measurable how will you know you have been successful? Action-orientated specifying what needs to be done Realistic is it within your control and capability Timely achievable within a credible How to prioritise objectives? Objectives should be prioritised according to organisation / department need. You need to be careful not to have too many objectives on your PDP. Its  better to have a few that you can achieve than a long list that you cant. You  may wish to consider: What new skills do you need in your job and what existing skills must you improve Think about your current objectives related to your section /Division / service plan. Is there anything in these where Improving your knowledge and skills will enable you to achieve Your aims or improve results? For the longer-term strategic objectives of your role, is there an  obvious progression of stages? What timeframe do you see for your Career Development  objectives? Is there again an obvious progression of stages  towards your goal? Task-3- evaluate and review the effectiveness and impact of your learning, and how you will be use this for the future. An individual must have a focus for learning a new set of behaviors. Think about where you are now and where you see yourself upon completing a goal. A goal is like a finish line, you run forward for the accomplishment. You aim for the prize. Setting goals is top priority in a personal development plan. It requires a specific and clear intention followed by action. Once you have established your goal, it should be followed with consistent behaviors which are conducive to reaching that goal. How do you learn new behaviors? By educating yourself. Seeking knowledge on your specific area of focus is crucial for replacing old behaviors or habits with new ones. Plenty of resources exist today for self-help. On any level, you can find information to teach you how to identify problem areas in your life. If in the process you find yourself overwhelmed, frustrated or just plain stuck, consider using a life coach. Life coaches are a wonderful resource for success with a personal development plan. They can provide a strong support system. They have knowledge of self-improvement tools and skills to teach them to you. A life coach will give you positive feedback and encourage you to persevere. Not everyone can do it alone, that is why life coaches exist. There is a lot to be said about someone cheering you on as go for it. They can help monitor your successes and setbacks. Whether or not you choose to use a life coach or go it alone, be sure to zero in on your strengths. It is easy to fall prey to loss of confidence from not focusing on strengths. Learn new skills to complement your strengths and confidence. It is amazing how learning affects over-all well being. When you create your personal development plan, realize magic doesnt happen overnight. It is becoming conscious of your world and how you operate within it. Daily you must make choices that benefit your goals. By doing so, eventually the prize does appear. You must also realize that personal development is a life choice. Some people appear content to meander in their world, oblivious to needed changes. However, life is meant for change. If you do the same things over and over, you will get the same results. Self improvement in life settings and circumstances should always be considered relevant and necessary. You can recreate your life with a good personal development plan. Self-assessment of problem areas of your life is the first step. Set realistic goals. Choose actions and behaviors which benefit the goals. Maintain a positive support system. And most of all, applaud yourself for wanting something different for your life. Conclusion: Personal Development Plan can be very effective tools to helping an individual to reflect and record his learning and achievement in a proper way; it can also be effective to make planning his or her further personal and professional development. This process can encourage deep reflection and long term learning habits which focus on their future development.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Cultural Anthropology Midterm Study Guide

Anthropology 2 Midterm Study Guide: Professor Li Zhang Midterm Date: October 30, 2012 Week 1 What is the scope of cultural anthropology? Discuss its focus of inquiry, approach, and major changes over time. ?Cultural anthropology is concerned with the nature and extent of social and cultural differences among different societies. Focus on Inquiry: Why there are different cultures and how they came about and are affected or changing. Focus on Approach: Approaches could be urban, political, legal, medical, psychological, environmental, feminist, etc. Goals: ?Understanding how differences among societies are shaped. Understanding the unequal power relations between societies produced by colonialism, imperialism and contemporary global practices. ?To compare the perspectives of different societies and how each of them interprets the world. Changes in cultural anthropology over time: ?Used to be a way to proves inferiority of others and justify oppression and ethnocentrism. Now its mostly about being critical of inequality, ? We also do fieldwork in western, ‘developed’ countries. ?There is more globalization now. ?Early anthropology focused on studying isolated, tribal societies. ?Over time they began to study large urban industrial societies. Today the scope of cultural anthropology has expanded into various subdivisions, such as urban political, and medical. Compare the two major schools of early anthropological thought: British social anthropology and French structuralism in terms of their primary concern and focus. British Social Anthropology: ?Emerged in early 20th century. Main founding figure was Malinowski. ?Radcliffe-Brown, Evans-Pritchard, Gluckman, and Leach also were important figures. ?Two theoretical foundations were functionalism and structural functionalism: 0Functionalism – Explanation of why certain social institutions exist. Explains the cultural responses to basic individual needs that are biological and/or physiological. 0Exa mple: cannibalism may be explained through a survivalist function ?Structural Functionalism – Concerned less with individual needs and actions and more with the place of the individuals in the social order. ?Figures out the relationship of individuals to the larger social body. ?Example: Cannibal Tours – colonists arrived and stripped villages of sacred objects and introduced European monetary system to make the villagers subordinateDuring these early years, social anthropology was deeply intertwined with the British colonial government that provided the financial support for research and teaching in anthropology. The primary interest was in Africa – to study their languages and generate knowledge about their political and legal systems. French Structuralism ?Primary figure in school of thought is Levi Strauss. ?Focused on the elementary structures of kinship, mythology, and language. ?Some concerns include the patterns or underlying structures and how seemingly unrelated things may actually be from a complex system of interrelated parts. Form is emphasized over content. ?The internal logic of a culture and its relationship to the structures of human society and human mind. Comparison: ?Both schools of thought are concerned with studying the structure and layout of the society. ?British social anthropology is concerned more with the relation of the individual to society while French structuralism is concerned with how individuals are connected to one another to form the society (mythologies, language, human mind). Week 2: How does Edward Taylor define â€Å"culture†? Discuss the four key aspects of culture by providing one example for each aspect. Examples can be drawn from the readings, films, or other sources including your own observation. British anthropologist Edward Taylor defines culture as: â€Å"a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a man as a member of society. † The four elements of culture are: 1. Culture is learned. ?Culture can be learned consciously and unconsciously through interacting and imitating the people around us. It can happen in informal settings such as your home, or formal places like churches and schools. Example: as children we learn to imitate words we hear adults speak and learn to speak the language. Proper etiquette is taught by looking at how others behave or from interacting with people who teach it to them. 2. Culture is shared. ?Members of a group share common beliefs, values, memories, and hope. ?Example: American culture is identified with individualism, while Chinese culture is identified with collectivism. This difference can be seen through the food and meals they choose. Americans usually don’t like to share their meals and order individual plates while the Chinese typically share their food and eat family-style. Example: â€Å"Eating Christmas in the Kalahari† by Richard Lee 0For Christmas, Lee buys the largest ox to show his gratitude for the Bushmen’s hospitality during his stay. He becomes confused when everyone in the village says that the ox he bought was no good and that is has no meat on it. 0In Bushmen village, it is part of their culture and tradition to insult each other so that people don’t become arrogant. Lee learned this by asking the Bushmen about it, showing how culture is shared by communication and interaction. 3. Culture is symbolic. Creation of culture depends on the human’s ability to use symbols and be able to have symbolic thought. ?We are able to give meaning to a thing or event and grasp the meaning. It can be arbitrary and conventional and depends on the social context that is widely accepted by society. However, the context can vary for each society. ?Examples: -McDonalds has become a symbol of fast food and unhealthy eating in America, but it is viewed as high class and modern in China. ?Colors tend to have symbolic meanings attached to them. Red represents love, yellow represents life, black represents death, etc. . Culture is dynamic. ?Culture isn’t a static cage to lock people in. It is something that changes over time. ?People use their culture creatively and actively instead of rigidly following the rules. ?There are some differences in culture between groups and societies, but the differences aren’t absolute. ?Cultural hybridization allows different cultural traditions and practices to merge together. 0Examples: – Food culture: fusion of food features a combination of different elements of cultures from all over the world. – Western psychotherapy combines Buddhist meditation with western psychology.What is ethnocentrism? Why is it problematic? In your discussion, draw examples from either Bohannan’s â€Å"Shakespeare in the Bush† or the film Cannibal Tours. How would a diffusionist argue against ethnocentrism? Ethnoce ntrism is the tendency to use one’s own culture as a yardstick to measure other cultural practices and beliefs. †¢Tendency for people to see their own culture as superior and natural. People make judgments according to their own cultural lens, giving them a narrow perspective; they see all other cultures as inferior to theirs.Examples: Cannibal Tours: The western tourists continuously compared the natives’ lifestyle to their own and saw their culture as primitive and backwards. They saw the natives as uncivilized and poor people who lacked the technology they possessed back at home. Bohannan’s â€Å"Shakespeare in the Bush†: While reading through Hamlet, both the storyteller and the audience exhibit ethnocentrism. What Bohannan took for granted and viewed as common sense were things that the elders did not understand because it didn’t exist in their culture.Ghosts and the afterlife did not exist in the native’s culture, and young people should not fight against their elders. Elders constantly made remarks about the play as if they knew what was going on, believing that they were telling her the true meaning of Hamlet and how her interpretation of Hamlet is actually wrong. According to Franz Boas, no culture is pure and authentic. Instead, cultural boundaries are porous and cultural exchanges have long existed in human societies. 0Diffusionism shows that all cultures are interrelated to one another, so ethnocentrism does not exist. In Ralph Linton’s â€Å"One Hundred Percent American,† he shows that cultures are not 100% from their own country and that culture is diffused and adapted by various places as part of their culture. What is cultural relativism? Discuss its pros and cons. What is your take on it? Support your argument with evidence and analysis. Cultural Relativism is the view opposite of ethnocentrism: believes that one shouldn’t judge the values and practices of other people accordi ng to their own standards. †¢The main idea is to see things from the point of view of those who live their lives.This allows the anthropologist to fully appreciate another culture. Pros: ?Objective approach in doing research; helps anthropologists another culture more thoroughly. ?Promotes unity between cultures and between groups of people in general since it would help people respect and understand each other. Cons: ?Helps justify controversial practices such as female genitalia mutilation, cannibalism, animal sacrifice, etc. *I am of the opinion that cultural relativism is an important philosophy to apply to any anthropological research, however a delicate balance must always strive to be maintained.To me, respect should always be asserted, but human rights should have authority over political correctness. †-malinowski According to Malinowski, what is a holistic approach to doing ethnographic research and why is it important? What constitutes the proper conditions for ethnographic fieldwork? Explain three central ethnographic techniques (don’t just list them, but explain in greater detail). A holistic approach in doing ethnographic work is to understand a culture as a whole and all aspects are connected/intertwined and must be understood in relation to one another. The goal of the ethnographer should be to provide an anatomy of the culture, understand the facts and put the focus into a broader context. †¢You must understand that all the small institutions of a culture, such as religion, education, kinship, are all related to one another in order to grasp the meaning as a whole. †¢The proper conditions for ethnographic fieldwork is to observe the details of the natives’ family and communal life by staying as close in contact with them as possible and cutting yourself off from the company of anyone else other than the natives.You must immerse yourself into the local society for a long duration because there is a difference b etween sporadic plunging into the company of the natives and really living with them and connecting with them. Three central ethnographic techniques: 1. Observation and participant observation. ?Careful and detailed observation is important to collect data to answer questions, which requires a lot of patience. ?You should try to be objective and keep away from any bias thoughts or else the collected data will be compromised.You must also remember to be invisible and make sure they don’t know they are being observed or else the data will be inaccurate. ?Participant observation is when you participate in events with the natives in order to analyze and take notes. 0This allows you to get closer to the natives and helps you to better understand their culture through your experience and interaction with them. 2. Interviews. ?Interviews involve asking several individual questions to get a better understanding of the culture from a native’s point of view. The goal of the inte rviews is to see a pattern that emerges in the answers you receive. ?Interviews can be informal, semi-structured, or structured. ?Informal interview – an interview that doesn’t follow a straight schedule and takes advantage of the opportunity when it arises. ?Semi-structured / structured interview – interviews that are planned out with the questions you want to ask written down and planned beforehand. 0Semi-structured interviews may have some open ended questions. 0Interviews are the most effective method and are the core of ethnographic research. When you interview people you know, you may get introduced to people that you could possibly interview, and you can therefore gather up more data and opinions for your research. This is called the snowballing effect. 3. Key informants and life histories. ?Also called cultural consultants. These people are important figures that are able to give you more insight and information in various aspects of a culture. 0They are the few people who are willing to tell you more and explain in clear details while incorporating their personal experience to help you understand.Key Informant: Someone you build an amicable relationship with, who acts as a representative of the culture. Generally someone in a high position who will be able to explain the ins and outs of the culture from an intimately informed POV. What are the core issues in the code of ethics for anthropologists (discuss at least three)? Why is it important to follow them? The three core issues in the code of ethics for anthropologists include: 1. Full disclosure. ?It is important for the anthropologist to be open and honest to the people s/he is studying. Must inform them of every aspect of the study and any consequences that may happen as a result of the study. 2. Informed Consent. ?The people being studied must be well informed about the procedure, and the anthropologist must have them sign a paper or ask for verbal consent before proceeding w ith the study. 0This is to make sure that they have fully agreed to the terms and have proof that they have willingly volunteered themselves. 3. Potential Harm. 0It is the anthropologist’s duty to inform the subject of any consequential harm that may come to them. The anthropologist must ensure not to harm safety, dignity, or privacy of any parties involved. ?It is important to follow the code of ethics in order to avoid any lawsuits and also to make sure that the people being studied are well informed and know exactly what they are signing up for so that no harm will come to them. Week 4: Today most anthropologists recognize that race is a social construct that does not have a biological reality. Discuss how Boas and Montagu each defend this view. What evidence from modern genetics does the film â€Å"Race: The Power of an Illusion† provide to further support this position?Franz Boas also referred to as the â€Å"Father of American Anthropology,† talks about ra ce as a social construction in his paper, â€Å"Mind of Primitive Man† ? He believes that racial groups never existed, and that races are not as pure as we imagine them to be because migration patterns in the past intertwined cultures together and created diverse groups of people. ?Boas talks about purity and boundedness, stating that biological significance is only possible when races have uniform, closely inbred groups where family lines are alike. However, these conditions can’t be achieved with humans, especially in large populations. He also argues about the instability of populations, meaning that the physical and psychological attributes of people are dynamic and fluctuate constantly to adapt to various circumstances. 0The biological, linguistic, and cultural traits of people are the product of historical development and the environment. Ashley Montagu in her article, â€Å"The Concept of Race in the Human Species in the Light of Genetics,† uses the idea of cooking an omelet as a metaphor for the making of race. 0When an omelet is made, the end result may all look the same, but the ingredients used to make the omelet may vary.This is the basis for the anthropological view of race in that although groups of people may have different appearances and characteristics, everyone is essentially the same. 0His argument is based on modern genetics, stating that no two humans are genetically identical to one another, therefore races cannot categorize groups of people since they don’t share the same genetic background.  ¦Racial characteristics are artificial and have no genetic base. Example of the use of modern genetics in the film, â€Å"Race: The Power of an Illusion. †¢In the film, a group of students performed an experiment to compare genetic similarities to other classmates using blood samples, skin color, and saliva swaps. The result of the experiment turned out to be different from what they expected. The students found that their genes were most similar to people they least expected, and that there was no correlation between their genetic patterns and their skin color. †¢Dr. Richard Lewontin, with the use of gel electrophesis, found that 85% of all variations among humans are between individuals of the same local population. There is as much difference between two individuals of the same race as there is between individuals of different races, so race can’t be determined biologically. What is scientific racism? Why is it flawed and dangerous? Use one of the examples discussed in the lecture to support your argument (Morton versus Gould or The Bell Curve). How do anthropologists understand gender and patriarchy? Provide two examples (from the lecture or your own observation) to show that gender roles change from society to society and from time to time.Scientific Racism is the attempt to prove â€Å"scientifically† that some â€Å"races† are not just different, but superio r to others. 0Scientific techniques and observations are usually utilized to prove this belief but the collected data is usually inaccurate and tainted with racist beliefs. Example: Dr. Samuel George Morton versus Stephen J. Gould. †¢Samuel George Morton attempted to prove that some races were superior to others by measuring the skulls of people of different races,  ¦He believed that the cranial capacity of the skulls would tell how intelligent people were. His results concluded that white people were the superior race among other groups, because his measurements showed that they had the largest skulls compared to the others. ?Stephen J. Gould repeated the research and found several errors with Morton’s conclusion. 0Morton manipulated his data by including more female skulls for blacks than for whites, so the measurement for the skulls of the blacks turned out to be smaller. 0When Gould measured again fairly, the average size of a black person’s skull turned out to be much larger than the skull of a white person’s. The data was manipulated because of Morton’s bias. His beliefs caused him to already have the results in mind that he wanted, regardless of what is actually true. Example: The Bell Curve 0A book written by Richard J. Hernstein and Charles Murray: argues that blacks carry inferior genes of intelligence compared to whites, and so they naturally score lower on IQ tests.  ¦Their low IQ scores are what prevent the blacks from attaining a higher level job, and it is also because of their low intelligence that they have a higher crime rate. The controversy that comes with this claim is that if the government agrees with it, then the blacks should not receive social welfare for their low-income families because they are genetically inferior. Scientific racism is usually incorrectly proven using data that has been deliberately altered to support bias beliefs, so the results are not accurate. The danger that can result fro m this if it is actually proven, the groups may be neglected or abused, or at the very least treated with social injustice. Gender – All the traits that a culture assigns to and indicates in men and women. It is a social construct of male and female characteristics and roles. ?Gender differences come from culture rather than biology. ?Patriarchy – A social and political system rule by men in which women have inferior social and political status. 0Females are carried out as subordinates to men in this system. Most common in patrilineal societies (involving counting the descent line of the father’s line, which includes property inheritance, names, titles, etc. ) Examples of gender roles changing between societies and through time: ?Forager/hunter and gatherer societiesThis type of society shows a typical gender division of labor. Men were responsible for hunting and fishing while women were responsible for gathering fruits and nuts. Men would usually bring in more food than women, so the men had a higher social rank in these societies. When women are the ones to contribute more food, then the women would have an equal relationship with the men. ?Agriculture societies Men are assigned to heavy labor such as plowing the field, while women are responsible for domestic work, child rearing, and light far work around the house. These societies tend to have a stronger gender inequality. Industrial societies Gender roles in industrial societies tend to change over time in response to economic conditions and social climates. Before the 1900s, it was common for men, women, and children to work in factories. Things began to change in the 1900s with the large influx of immigrants that increased the male labor force and also brought up ideas that women weren’t fit to work in the factories and should stay home and take care of the kids instead, During WW2, things changed again as men are drafted into the military and women began working in factorie s again to fill the gap.The women’s return to the factory was received in a positive notion and was even viewed as patriotic. What are gender stereotypes? What is the role of advertising in making and reinforcing gender stereotypes and normalcy? Draw two concrete examples from the film (Killing US Softly) in your discussion. Gender stereotypes – oversimplified yet strongly held ideas about the characteristics of men and women. Advertisements mainly target women and girls about beauty and the ideal body they should have, as well as a childlike / quiet demeanor. Many girls express the fear of being fat, and the number one wish of girls between the age of 11-17 is to be thinner. ?Most of the people who suffer from eating disorders are girls who are self-conscious and obsessive about their body. Examples in Killing us Softly: ?Ads of women of color tend to show them with animal prints which turn them into animals rather than human beings. ?Ads about women who lost weight t ypically say they were able to get married because they lost weight.This gives the idea that women who are fat probably won’t ever get married, and this serves to lower women’s self-esteems even further and increase their drive to become skinnier and purchase products to expedite the process. ?Images of thin women are often used to silence women and put them down. ?Ads show pictures of women exhibiting passive body language such as their hands over their mouths and faces. ?When there is an ad of a man and a woman, the man is usually taller and is looking down at the woman, while the woman looks up and smiles compliantly. This encourages female submission to men and conveys the message that women should be quiet and obedient. According to Martin’s article, how do stereotypical gender roles shape scientific accounts of the egg-sperm romance? Stereotypical gender roles shape scientific accounts by how the sperm and the egg are described and how they function. ?The sperm is described as masculine, active, agile, and penetrating, while the egg is described as passive, feminine, fragile and dependent. ?The egg is portrayed as a damsel in distress who waits quietly in a still spot for her knight in shining armor, the sperm, to fight his way to her. The female reproductive system is seen as wasteful and a failure while the male reproductive system is seen as productive. ?Scientists question why women are born with so many eggs only to have most of it go to waste, yet the don’t consider the excessive amount of sperm men create as a waste. ?New research found that the sperms aren’t that forceful and what actually matters is that the surface of the egg is what traps the sperm, showing that eggs are more active than previously thought. This shows that the relationship between the egg and the sperm is interactive. Even with this new research, the egg is still viewed in a bad light. ?The more active role of the egg is seen as too aggressiv e and the reproductive system of women as a dangerous place since it tries to kill sperm cells that enter it. How does Ortner explain why women are universally put in an inferior position to men? Do you agree with her argument? Why or why not? Support your view with evidence. Ortner argues that the subordination of women is a universal idea by referring to how a lot of anthropological literatures show accounts of how women are devalued in society. Symbolic acts of women are believed to justify their inferior role. Menstruation is considered a symbolic act that restricts the freedom of women. During a women’s menstruation period, she was not allowed to come near sacred objects because of the fear that she might contaminate them. Menstruation was believed to be a threat of warfare. ?Social and political structures also serve to affect the status of women in societies, and exclude women from participating in areas with people of high authority. ?Women are associated with nature while men are associated with culture, and culture is typically viewed as superior to nature.Men use their creativity to create technology and symbols that are transcendental and last for eternity, while women are restricted by their natural duties that involve reproduction and creating life.  ¦Destruction of life by men has more prestige and is viewed as transcendental, while creation of life by women is regarded as less important.  ¦The things that men create last forever while what women produce are doomed to die.  ¦The reason why women are associated with nature more is because of their physiology, social role, and psyche. ?No I do not agree with Ortner.I believe that these views are socially constructed, and that we’ve evolved past them. Week 5: What are the five different economic systems in the world? Define each briefly. ?Forager: hunting and gathering; moving from place to place; gender roles due to unequal division of labor, egalitarian (old people are respect ed). ?Horticulture: Cultivation with simple tools, fields not permanent property (slash and burn) mobility, depend on rainfall. ?Agriculture: Use animals for food and labor. These groups are less mobile, live in larger and more permanent settlements, and use advanced irrigation systems. Pastoral: Focus on domesticated animals for food; nomadic. ?Industrial: Mechanized forces, factories, and technology for mass production; increased population density. Briefly explain the three basic principles that govern exchanges according to Karl Polanyi. ?The Market Principle: Supply and Demand, Capitalism. Coffee beans they were selling. Export of crop. ?Redistribution: Socialism; Goods move from local level to center: taxation, welfare. Redistributing the pigs and wealth within the people. ?Reciprocity: exchange between those who are socially equal (gift economies); want to give back.What is a moral economy? What is a system of total service defined by Marcel Mauss? ?Moral Economy: A type of e conomy in which economic activities are an integral part of social relations and moral obligations. Economic and non-economic activities and institutions are embedded in one another. Economic activities and exchange systems are governed by conceptions of social justice, norms, and expectations. ?Systems of total service – The exchange is not solely about property and wealth, but also about the social and moral obligations. Part of the more general and enduring contract.According to Marcel Mauss, why does a gift have the special power to cause its recipient to pay it back? ?The Power – Gifts are never â€Å"free,† so they give rise to reciprocal exchanges. The giver does not merely give an object, but also a part of him/herself. This intrinsic bondage weighs on the conscience of the recipient. What is potlatch? How do Ruth Benedict, Marcel Mauss, and Marvin Harris explain why potlatch exists? ?Potlatch means to give away, or a gift; it is a festival ceremony, and its goal is to give away joy and wealth – more than the rival. Explanations – 0Ruth Benedict: Driven by obsession with prestige and status, (because the more that you give the more prestige you claim). 0Marcel Mauss: Compelled by reciprocity, (responding to a positive action with another positive action, rewarding kindness). 0Marvin Harris: Serves an economic purpose (rational cultural adaptation). Says that potlatch is a logical cultural mechanism. Says that participating in potlatches creates a constant flow of goods. Serves as an economic purpose, human social life is a response to practical problems of earthly existence.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Film poster analysis

Undertaking 1 -Film poster- analysis Film postings are a manner of advancing a movie ; they can be viewed on coach Michigans, the side of coachs, hoardings, E postings and cinema’s. Their purpose is to pull people’s attending so that they can acquire them interested in the merchandise, the movie posting is an of import factor as it is esential for the significance of the movie to be clearly conveyed to the audience. If the targeted audience for the movie is unabled to understand the posting, the movie may free out on possible viewers.A movie posting can incorporate stills from the movie, images of the characters or any objects or points that have relevence to the movies genre or story.The images help to potray the narration of the movies and gives a intimation to the audience about what the movie could be approximately, this is why its ever of import for the message to be clear.In this assignment I will be analysing two movie postings for different genres of movies sing its mark audience, content, codifica tion and conventions and manners of reference. Case study 1- Sinister The first movie posting that I will be analyzing is for the movie‘Sinister’ ( 2012 )directed by Scott Derickson, the movie was released on the 12 October 2012 and belongs to the horror film genre. The mark audience for this movie is people aged 15-35, while the official age evaluation that this film was given was a 15, this mean that the movie contains content that is non suited for anyone of a younger age ; this is a common age limitation that is used for horror films. The genre of horror films is most popular amongst the socio economic group C2, with males and females under the age of 25. The geo-demographic audience for this movie are Americans as this is where the movie was foremost released, it was later on released into other state. The movie has a reasonably low budget and does non incorporate any major histrions or actresses. The movie posting displays the typical horror movie conventions particularly as the color strategy of the posting is really common with the usage of ruddy and black, movies such as‘Friday and the 13th’( 2009 )and‘Mirrors’ ( 2008) contain these colorss on their posting, doing it really easy to observe the genre of the movie. The posting is really minimalistic, as the chief colors that are used for the background of the posting are dull. Colorss have a big influence within the posting and demo different significance ; the four chief colorss that are used for the posting are ruddy, white, gray and black. The coloring material ruddy represents blood and decease, and contrasts with the dull white background, doing the deformed face stand out. Additionally the color white in the posting appears to be polysemic as the scene of this posting seems to be in white room within a house ; the white coloring material of the wall can stand for an absence of coloring materia l, which helps to reflect the soulless temper in the posting, instead the color white can besides mean the pureness and artlessness that the small girl possess. The usage of the color black symbolises the darkness and emptiness that can be seen, while the usage of Grey is used to stipulate the dark and eerie nature of the movie, this content is of import to assist reflect the general ambiance of the posting. The chief rubric is placed in a cardinal place merely above the chief image, the name of the rubric ‘Sinister’ signifies evil and enigma and it appears in the Centre of the page in black. The coloring material of the rubric adds to its dark and shady visual aspect. The rubric is in a seriph fount which is a typical manner used in many supernatural horror posters.The lighting in the posting is ambient doing the posting expression realistic, adding to the disturbing quality, this shows the audience, that supernatural happenings may go on at any minute. Although it is non clear from the posting where the narrative of the movie is located, the dawdler for the movie shows, that the chief scene of the movie is in a house where a series of slayings have occurred. The immature miss that appears on the posting is besides a stereotyped characteristic of horror movies as girls/women are presented as weak and vulnerable. She appears to be have oning white pajama which represents artlessness and besides has relevancy to the girl’s mental province. She is seen smearing blood across the wall, this may bespeak that the immature miss may mean that she has been taken over by an evil force, a kid is really guiltless but portrayed in a ‘sinister way’ . The immature misss is turned off with her face confronting the wall, doing the audience admiration what she could look like, this adds an air of enigma to the posting. It besides leads the audience to inquire if the miss has been possessed by the evil entity that is smeared in bloo d across the wall. The text at the top of the page says ‘from the manufacturer of’ the movies‘Insidious’ ( 2011 )and‘Paranormal Activity’ ( 2011 )these movies were successful, and people may believe that this movie will be as interesting, as they have been produced by the same individual. Because of the low budget of the movie it does non have any noteworthy histrions or actresses in a big or clear infinite on the posting. The building of the content is notably different to Hollywood films, that usually highlight the stars of the movie rather boldly this posting has their names really little at the underside of the page. On the left manus side of the posting at that place person. The posting says that it is â€Å"coming soon† by non giving an exact day of the month the spectator of the posting may experience compelled to research the movie to happen out when it will be released. An extra component of the posting is a movie tape which has been positioned onto the floor beneath the deformed figure on the wall. The tape appears to hold been played and so interrupt, the tape could hold been viewed by the immature miss taking to her ownership. Beneath the rubric on the posting, the ticket line that is used is â€Å"Once you see him, nil can salvage you† , this manner of reference is presented to the audience in an informal manor, as horror films are made to seek and frighten the spectator and does non hold an of import message to present. This is a typical linguistic used for this genre as they want to utilize sentences that add to the horror of the posting, this adds to the enigma of the movie and addresses the spectator of the posting straight. The usage of the word him indicates that ‘him’ may hold relevancy to the figured smeared in blood, it creates enigma of what the movie is really approximately but besides intimations at what can be expected. They have used a simple text, in black that is bold and formidable. Another characteristic included at the underside of the web site is a nexus to a web site called ; this is used to lure the spectator and adds to the expectancy environing the movie. The image of the face that is seen on the posting is used in all of the publications that were used to advance the film, demoing the consistence of its selling run, this helps the association with the movie more recognizable. Case study 2-Mean Girls The 2nd movie that I will be analyzing is‘Mean Girls ‘ ( 2004) directed by Mark Waters. The movie was released on April the thirtieth 2004 ; the genre of the film is comedy. The mark audience for this movie is females around the age of 13-20 old ages old, this movie is likely to aim misss who are in the socio economic group E as the audience of the movie will chiefly dwell of adolescents. The geo-demographic of this movie would besides be Americans particularly as the location of this movie is set in a typical American high school. This allows the audience to associate to the character scenarios.unlike the movie‘Sinister’ ( 2012 )the film features chiefly popular histrion and actress and targets a mainstream audience. The chief coloring material codifications and convections that are used within the posting are normally associated with a ‘chick flick’ this is indicated by pinks and purples used for the posting, which intimation at the female audience of the film. Other movies that show color strategies, like this are‘Bridesmaids’ ( 2011 )and‘Legally Blonde’ ( 2001 )these movies have a female led dramatis personae, the colorss used aid to tie in it to the mark audience. The colorss are really light and bright screening that the film is non of a serious disposition and is a really light hearted movie. The coloring material pink indicates that the film may hold a subject of passion and love affair, where as the darker pink shows the fun nature of the movie. The color pink can besides bespeak friendly relationship ; from this the audience may see that friendly relationship may be formed between the characters. The color purple is used for the background of the po sting, this coloring material besides signifies love affair but besides indicates royalty, this suggests that the ‘mean girls’ in the film could be seen as royalty in at that place high school environment. The images used in the movie posting have the typical conventions of a female oriented film as the images of the characters are all female ; this tells the audience who the chief mark is for the movie is. The characters that appear on the right had side of the posting are portrayed in a typical girly manor with the outfits that they are have oning, they are stood really confidently with one of the misss cardinal bespeaking that she may be the leader as her pose suggests power and authorization. The manner that these characters are presented, gives an thought of the narration of the narrative by demoing that they may be the ‘mean misss ‘ in the film. This is really different to the other character that appears less confidently, she is portrayed more modestly so the other characters dressed in denims and a shirt. The misss are separated by the rubric this may propose the thought of her being the castaway in the movie. The average misss besides appear to be looking down at t he audience of the posting. The posting features the chief actresses name rather mostly, this is really different to the sinister posting, as Lindsey Lohan was a really succesful actress let go ofing many adolescent movies like‘Freaky Friday’ ( 2003 )and‘Get a Clue’ ( 2002 )to a similar type of demographic at the clip it was relevent to put her name on the movies posting to pull her fans to watch the movie.Another name that is on the posting is Tina Fey, it is relevant that her name was metioned as she has been a successful actress and author on comedy shows such as‘Saturday Night Live ‘if the audience recognise that she is involved in the movie they may believe that it will be amusing to watch. The rubric â€Å" Average Girls † instantly indicates to the audience the thought of what the movie is about and outlines the general subjects that may be, the rubric typography on the page stands out to the remainder of the context, and is placed vertically this seperates the characters, from the manner the characters are presented who are given thought as to who the average misss may be.The rubric uses a pink coloring material which keeps it relevent to the mark audience.On the page, the word â€Å"Mean† is bold and in capital letters, puting more accent on the movie this indicates that there may be a batch off issue of struggle in the movie. The word ‘girl ‘ re-addresses the audience once more ; proposing that the movie is aiming girls.The typography makes a statement and helps to reflect the ‘bold ‘ characters that will be seen in the movie. The tagline that is used in the movie is is â€Å"Watch your back† ; it is positioned on the posting underneath the three misss which suggests the possible narration for the film.It besides gives the thought that are struggle may originate between the chief characters that are included on the posting. This lingual is used as it is a typical average thing to say.altough the tagline isnt a cardinal characteristic on the page like a standered convection it is still stands out and appears larger than a typical film posting of this genre It besides has the release day of the month underneath it in bright pink and this makes it more seeable to the audience. Unlike the ‘Sinister’ ( 2012 ) posting there is non any demand for them to keep back this day of the month to assist with suspence, as they would desire the audience to cognize when the movie was being released so that people can portion the day of the month with friends and portion the posting. Similarly to the sinister film, the charge block used for the movie in a really little, a web site is provided leting viewing audiences to look at extra content that is associated with the film and to happen out more about. It besides states the film is distributed by paramount images which instantly suggests that the movie has a big budget. Undertaking B Once a media merchandise is made it is of import to garner feedback about it to see what an audience thinks, this can be done with focal point groups, reappraisals and tests and proving, this research can give the movie company the necessary feedback to do any accommodations sing the film. Focus group One manner of acquiring feedback from an audience is by utilizing a focal point group, a focal point group is a signifier of qualitative research in which a group of people will discourse there sentiments, beliefs, outlooks and attitudes towards are product/service they are used on a regular basis while in the procedure of marketing a movie. It is good to hold a focal point group treatment for a movie so that a manufacturer can acquire a good elaborate response from the mark audiences of the movie. From this they can take in the audience’s feedback and expression at doing any accommodations to the parts of the movie. For illustration the manufacturer of the movie may sit down with participants and inquire them inquiries such as ‘opinions of the characters? ’ and ‘if they like the general thought of the movie ‘ . Reappraisals Reappraisals are conducted after the release of the movie, but are indispensable for the movie company to see the idea and sentiments of the audience. Reviewing can fall into two classs these are user generated to reappraisals and critics reappraisals. A critic reappraisal is normally written by an official referee who will be paid to make it, they will normally acquire to see the movie in progress so that the reappraisal will be released in clip, for the general audience. The reappraisal gives the audience an sentiment of the movie so that they can bet on whether or non they want to travel and watch it. A professional reappraisal will look at facets including things such acting, composing, filming and way. User generated reappraisals are a manner for the movies audience to reexamine a movie this is usually done on societal networking, IMDB and rotten tomatoes, this is a utile manner for the movie company to have reappraisals from its targeted audience to see their response to it and what they need to differently following clip. Trial and proving Before let go ofing a movie it is of import to how the audience reacts to it, a trial showing is a prevue of the movie that is carried before the general release of the movie to bet on the general audience reaction. The prevue audiences are normally selected from the mark audience for the movie, after the testing the audience are asked to react to the movie, by either finishing a questionnaire or any other signifier of feedback. for illustration after the movie‘Titanic ‘ ( 1997 )was screened the audience thought that the movie lasted excessively long, this resulted in 45 proceedingss of the movie being cut from the concluding version. Other movies such as ‘Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle’ ( 2003 ) failed to make any trial showing which is frequently thought as the ground why it was unsuccessful. 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Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Implications Of Smoking Marijuana - 1621 Words

Introduction Marijuana is and always will be America’s hallmark drug. Its appearance into this country was in the 1920s when Mexican immigrants brought the drug from their country. Its popularity has boomed across America thus making it the most consumed drug in our country. It’s also referred to as pot, grass, reefer, weed, herb, Mary Jane, or brown sugar. It is a greenish-brown mixture of parts of the plant including; stems, seeds, and dried shredded leaves. What makes marijuana so attractive is a major active chemical called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the chemical in marijuana that gives users the feeling of euphoria. However, although it does cause pleasure to the user it also causes adverse reactions that can lead to long-term complications. The implications of smoking marijuana carry both psychological and social threats to the individual user. Immediate Effects Once it has been smoked, marijuana has an immediate effect on the brain that last from 1-3 hours. â€Å"As THC enters the brain, it causes a user to feel euphoric – or â€Å"high† – by acting in the brain’s reward system areas of the brain that respond to stimuli such as food and drink as well as most drugs of abuse,† (Thomson). Marijuana stimulates the brain significantly. This high leads the users to experience pleasant sensations, colors and sounds, and time may appear to pass very slowly. While these sensations are pleasant, negative consequences begin to arise after the high sensation is overShow MoreRelatedShould Cigarettes Be Banned in the U.S.?1444 Words   |  6 Pagescigarettes also cause a whole host of health implications to the user and the people around him or her. 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